1. What is the system all about?


"Our innovative logistics system is a comprehensive solution tailored to address the pressing challenges of inefficiency and high operational costs in the logistics and transportation industry. This system is a groundbreaking approach, leveraging cutting-edge technologies and smart strategies to streamline logistics operations.

Key features of the system include:

  • Improved Dispatch Efficiency: The system enhances the efficiency of the dispatch process, significantly reducing time and errors in both documentation and physical movements.
  • Elimination of Queues and Congestion: By intelligently managing schedules and movements, the system eliminates queue build-ups, both in documentation processes and in physical operations.
  • Increased Throughput and Space Utilization: The streamlined processes result in increased throughput in container yards (CYs), depots, and storage facilities, leading to better space capacity and utilization.
  • Reduced Operational Costs: The system plays a crucial role in minimizing operational expenses for CY and depot operators by reducing or eliminating unnecessary movements, directly impacting fuel and maintenance costs.
  • Enhanced Productivity and Revenue: By optimizing operations, the system boosts the productivity of CY and depot operators, which translates into increased revenue for these businesses.
  • Non-Quantifiable Benefits: Beyond measurable improvements, the system offers significant non-quantifiable advantages, such as claims prevention and enhanced operational reliability.

 It is not just about managing logistics; it represents a transformative approach to redefine efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and reliability in the logistics sector. It positions businesses for sustainable success in a competitive and dynamic market environment."


2. Who are the potential customers of the system?


Potential customers for our logistics system are stakeholders in the logistics industry who meet the following key criteria and include specific types of operations:

  • Ownership of Storage Facilities: This category encompasses:
    • Container Yard (CY) and Depot Operators: Entities managing container yards and depots where cargoes, especially containerized goods, are stored.
    • Port Operators: Organizations responsible for managing port facilities, which play a crucial role in international trade and cargo movement.
    • Warehouse Operations: Facilities that handle the storage and distribution of a wide range of goods, requiring efficient space utilization and inventory management.
    • Other Storage Facilities: This can include specialized storage operations, like cold storage facilities, dry docks, and transit warehouses, where efficient logistics management is critical.
  • Diverse Customer Base: Our system is particularly beneficial for facilities serving a broad spectrum of customers. The varying requirements of a diverse clientele add layers of complexity to logistics operations, which our system is adept at simplifying through advanced coordination and optimization.
  • Engagement with Multiple Truckers: Facilities that regularly interact with a range of trucking companies for cargo pickup and delivery are prime users of our system. Managing the inflow and outflow of trucks efficiently is a key aspect where our system excels, ensuring smooth operations and minimizing delays.

 Our logistics system is tailored for logistics facilities that are central to various activities in the supply chain. It's designed to cater to the complex needs of operations like CY and depot management, port handling, warehouse operations, and other specialized storage services, where efficient coordination, effective space utilization, and operational optimization can significantly enhance productivity and cost-effectiveness.


4. How does your system speed up operations in logistics?


Our logistics system accelerates operations through a multi-pronged approach that focuses on eliminating inefficiencies and enhancing real-time coordination. The key aspects contributing to this acceleration are:

  • Advance Validations and Coordination: The system enables users to perform all necessary validations and coordination activities in advance. This proactive approach reduces the need for last-minute verifications and adjustments, which are often the cause of delays. By handling essential checks and coordination before cargo or vessels arrive, the system ensures that operations are ready to proceed smoothly upon arrival.
  • Online Queue Monitoring: An integral feature of the system is its online queue monitoring capability. This provides users with real-time visibility of the actual actions and statuses on the ground. Such transparency allows for immediate response to any potential bottlenecks, ensuring that queues are managed efficiently and effectively.
  • Revamped Queueing Algorithm for Dispatching: Perhaps the most impactful feature is the system's innovative approach to queue management in the dispatching process. By changing the traditional algorithm of queuing, the system reduces unnecessary physical movements of trucks and cargo. This not only speeds up the dispatching process but also minimizes the risk of congestion and related delays.
  • Reducing Physical Movements: The system's intelligent planning and scheduling reduce the need for shifting containers or cargoes unnecessarily. By optimizing the placement and movement of cargo, the system ensures a smoother flow within logistics facilities, leading to faster operations.
  • Streamlined Documentation and Compliance: Automated and streamlined documentation processes further expedite operations. The system ensures that all necessary paperwork and compliance requirements are met promptly and accurately, reducing the time typically spent on manual processing.

In essence, the system enhances the speed of logistics operations by integrating advanced technology and smart algorithms to streamline processes, improve real-time visibility, and reduce physical and administrative bottlenecks. This leads to a significant reduction in turnaround times and a more efficient overall operation.

3. What specific inefficiencies does your logistics system address?


  • Dispatching and Releasing Documentation Process: The system streamlines and automates the process of dispatching and releasing documentation. It can handle documentation requirements in advance, even before the arrival of vessels or cargo, ensuring efficiency and compliance. This includes managing customs documentation, compliance checks, and regulatory requirements, which is especially beneficial for containerized and other types of cargoes coming from different ports.
  • Scheduling and Queue Management Algorithm: The advanced scheduling algorithms employed by the system help in effectively managing and reducing the build-up of queues. This leads to smoother operations, with minimized wait times for trucks and other transport vehicles, thereby enhancing overall throughput.
  • Lack of Visibility for All Stakeholders: The system addresses the common issue of limited visibility in logistics operations. It provides real-time tracking and updates, ensuring that all stakeholders, including depot operators, truckers, and cargo owners, have access to accurate and current information about the status of cargo movements.
  • Locating Containers or Cargo: It simplifies the process of locating specific containers or cargo within large facilities. The system’s tracking and inventory management technologies reduce the time and risk involved in locating items, thereby minimizing the chances of accidents and errors.
  • Reducing Unnecessary Movements or Shifting: One of the significant strengths of this system is its ability to minimize unnecessary movements or shifting of containers and cargoes. This not only improves operational throughput but also significantly cuts down on operational costs related to fuel consumption, equipment wear and tear, and labor.
  • Additional Operational Efficiencies: Beyond these, the system is designed to address a range of other inefficiencies, adapting to the specific needs and challenges of logistics operations. These can include improving load planning, enhancing driver management, optimizing space utilization, and ensuring regulatory compliance.

This logistics system offers a multi-faceted approach to solving key inefficiencies in the logistics sector, leading to improved operational efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and safety. Its comprehensive capabilities make it an invaluable tool for any logistics operation looking to enhance productivity and streamline processes.


5. Can you provide examples of how your system maximizes space and equipment use?


  • Precision in Space Allocation: The system allows for the visualization of each individual cell in the yard, providing detailed information on space availability and usage. This precision in space allocation enables decision-makers to determine which cargo needs to be moved first, prioritizing based on scheduled releasing and receiving. Such precise management of space ensures optimal utilization of every available area in the facility.
  • Identifying Minimal Movement Opportunities: By analyzing data, the system identifies containers that require the least movement. This approach minimizes unnecessary repositioning of containers, thereby reducing operational time and effort, and enhancing overall efficiency.
  • Strategic Shifting to Low-Activity Cells: The system strategically moves cargoes or containers to cells that are characterized by minimal movements. This not only streamlines the arrangement of containers within the facility but also minimizes disruptions and maximizes the use of available space.
  • Scheduled Truck Arrivals Aligned with Cargo Movements: The system schedules the arrival of trucks in alignment with the estimated schedule for the receipt or release of their cargoes. This synchronization ensures that trucks are not idly waiting for cargo, thereby reducing congestion both inside and outside the yard.
  • Avoiding Unnecessary Equipment Movements: By optimizing container placement and minimizing the need for repositioning, the system significantly reduces the unnecessary movement of lifting equipment. This not only speeds up operations but also lowers wear and tear on equipment, contributing to reduced maintenance costs.
  • Enhancing Operational Flow: The precision and accuracy of the system in managing cargo movements lead to a seamless operational flow. This efficiency translates into reduced waiting times for trucks, more efficient use of lifting equipment by the container yard operators, and an overall increase in throughput.

 These demonstrate how your system’s focus on data-driven precision and strategic planning significantly enhances the utilization of both space and equipment in logistics operations. By optimizing every aspect of container movement and storage, the system effectively reduces operational costs and improves efficiency.


About Us

ARCSYS Software Solutions is a leading force in the Philippine logistics industry, offering over 20 years of IT and logistics expertise. Our main product Stonesoft Cargo Dispatch Management Systems, is designed for shippers, consignees, depot operators, and truckers. These systems improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance security, while providing real-time updates and visibility, ensuring our clients are always ahead.

Contact Us

Unit 304, 3rd Floor GMT Building, P del Rosario Street, Cebu City

+(6332) - 239-7069

(0926) - 039-3455 / (0993) 325-1902

[email protected] 

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